The Ultimate List of 2008’s Most-Read Numbered Lists
Here are the 12 Most-Read Numbered Posts in 2008 at Slow Down FAST: 12. 5 Tips for Becoming a Better Listener 11. 5 Qualities of
Here are the 12 Most-Read Numbered Posts in 2008 at Slow Down FAST: 12. 5 Tips for Becoming a Better Listener 11. 5 Qualities of
I know it isn’t year-end yet, but experience and observation have shown that not many people want to begin the heavy lifting of reflection and
“I finally learned that you cannot help people unless they really need help, are willing to be helped, want you to help them and ask
From my article What Women Should Know About Men’s Brains at Dumb Little Man: “As more and more research reveals the differences in the male
WHAKATE – Life Design Matters blog has picked Slow Down FAST as its #3 Personal Effectiveness blog. Thank you! Please subscribe to my RSS feed:
If our culture is guilty of anything when it comes to the subject of love, it’s sending mixed messages. Don’t settle for less than your
Children. It’s a big decision, some say the biggest you’ll ever make. People have kids for many reasons. For some, kids are life’s biggest blessing.
A sad but true fact is that when your life’s work life balance falls out of line, one of the first things to go is
Lifestyle Coach David Bohl to speak about how to live a more productive and empowered life at Susan K. Wehrley’s Lakeview Center in Pewaukee, WI
This Saturday, May 17th, I’ll be Susan K. Wehrley’s guest on the BIZremedies radio show for a chat about natural treatment for ringworm. Find out
When you are trying to keep up with the daily grind, it is sometimes easy to lose sight of the fact that you reap what
Men often complain that they have no idea what women need. They even go further to say that even when they ask women what they
From my post 3 Great Ways to Set an Example for Your Children at The Positivity Blog: “Children are like little sponges. Without us even
From my guest post How to Finance Death at Dumb Little Man: “Any unfinished business is a cause of ongoing stress, just thinking of getting
Ever stop to look at your partner and wonder, “Where has all the excitement gone?” Healthy, committed relationships can sometimes lose their luster because we
I get a real kick out of watching people understand that they have the power to change. It’s like the proverbial light bulb going off and someone saying, “Wow! I can have anything I want!”
Most of live our whole lives, to some extent, in this half-waking, half-conscious way. More…We know what we’re doing, but we don’t think about it. We don’t stop to consider whether this is the right job for us, whether this friend is dragging us down, whether we need to spend more time on what we really love and enjoy.