Relinquishee, Adoptee, MPE
Author, Speaker.

A Day to Balance Work and Family

Did you know that this Thursday, April 26th, is Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day? Are you planning to participate?

According to the Ms. Foundation for Women, the Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day program was founded to create an opportunity for girls and boys to share and communicate their expectations for the future.

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Workaholics vs. Prisoners of Success

Conde Nast, a self-described publisher of several “lifestyle” magazines that include Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, Vogue, Wired, Bon Appetit, Architectural Digest, and GQ, recently launched a new business magazine titled Portfolio.

It doesn’t take long to get a feel for the magazine – we’re reminded immediately, and at every turn, that business is about wealth, power, and status, and that we’re expected to aspire to those things.

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Freelancing as a Way to Achieve Life Balance

Many people who have sought alternatives to the corporate world have pursued professions as freelancers. Working independently on a job-by-job basis does allow freedom and variety to choose one’s projects and hours, but it is not without its risks.

Chief among these hazards are the uncertainty of work (and income)and lack of company infrastructure and benefits.

Wired & Hired blog, a blog written by job recruiters, has two posts on this topic:

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Work-Family Balance and Gender Lines

Courtney E. Martin has an interesting article over at The American Prospect titled “Fighting Apart for Time Together: Why is all the activism for work/life balance split along gender lines?”

Ms. Martin takes the very complicated issue of work-family balance activism and makes it understandable. Here is how the discussion shakes out:

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Is Blogging on the Beach a Violation of Work-Life Balance?

That’s what Susie Wee asks over at her HP Research, Technology, & Teamwork blog.

You see, Susie is conflicted – she’s laying on a beach in sunny Hawaii, blogging away, and feeling a little bit guilty that she’s not able to “sit back, relax, and reflect.”

Susie feels that she may be rationalizing things

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Personal Concierge Services Promise Life Balance

In an earlier post today, I wrote about examining our motives when it comes to buying things – goods and services – to seemingly make our lives easier.

The vicious cycle looks like this: We work hard and long, so we wind up dining out several nights a week, or we hire a service to attend to our lawn or our homes or our pets because we “don’t have enough time.” We rely upon these things, and they become integral to our new budgets. This becomes our new ‘norm.’

We then want still more, so we work even harder, finding ourselves with even less time …. The pattern goes on and on.

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My Life Balance

Well, it’s snowing here. I find it extremely ironic that the Cleveland Indians are in town playing ball at Miller Park due to the snow storm in Ohio and because our stadium offers the protection from the elements in the form of its retractable – and close-able – roof.

I’m taking advantage of a canceled appointment or two and some snow closings to share with you some photos I snapped a few moments ago, as well as to let you all know that my life balance/ work-life balance/ work family balance doesn’t consist only of work!

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Work-Life Considerations for Job Seekers

Work-life balance ranks high on our lists of deciding factors when looking for companies to work for.

What should you look for in a company when Work-Life Balance is at or near the top of your list?

Determine if work-life balance is supported by attitudes and corporate culture at all levels of the organization or is simply a Human Resources department directive.

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Work-Life Synergy?

I came across an interesting report written recently by Lori Herz and Arnie Herz over at Legal Sanity titled “BEYOND BALANCE: How to Cultivate Work-Life Synergy in the Law.”

The report is written about the legal profession, but please feel free to insert your chosen profession where you read the words ‘law’, lawyer’, and/or ‘legal.’ I believe their observations ring true for many of us.

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UPDATE: Wireless Devices Blur Lines Between Personal Life and Work Life

According to a survey of office professionals by Yahoo! Hotjobs, the line between our personal time and professional time is being all but erased as more of us use laptops, mobile phones, and smart phones to stay connected.

This observation comes as no surprise to us.

The survey’s data reveal that “75 percent of respondents say that they use their wireless device equally for both work and personal purposes. In fact, only 8 percent report that they are completely offline when away from the office and 27 percent admit to being so attached to their wireless device, they only leave it alone when they’re sleeping.”

While we can all agree that technology is a wonderful thing, our never-ending tightrope walk is to make use of this technology without becoming a slave to it.

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I Don’t Want To Talk About It

Some of you have noticed that I have posted a book on My Reading List on my Squidoo page Who is David B. Bohl? titled “I Don’t Want To Talk About It: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression” by Terrence Real. When I say “noticed”, I mean you’ve wondered to me what that’s all about.

It is true – Dr. Real’s book is about men and depression. But it is so much more. I think the book jacket does a great job when it states: “I Don’t Want To Talk About It offers great wisdom, hope, and practical guidance to men and their families. This is one of the most important and straightforward books ever written about men.”

What I get most from Terrence Real’s book is a person who understands me. If you’ll indulge me for a moment, I’ll explain.

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Do Men Overvalue WORK-Balance and Undervalue LIFE-Balance?

David Zinczenko, Editor in Chief of Men’s Health magazine, has some interesting thoughts on this very question in an article titled “Why Do Men Spend So Much Time At Their Jobs”.

In a nutshell, Mr. Zinczenko explains in a different and more lighthearted way what I’ve written about in my article: Work-Life Balance for Men.

Here’s an excerpt from my article:

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