Relinquishee, Adoptee, MPE
Author, Speaker.

Danny Bonaduce: Life Coach? Not!

Danny Bonaduce, Life Coach will premier on major wireless carriers beginning Monday, November 12th.

Offered by CBS Mobile, the animated program featuring Bonaduce’s voice will air new three-to-five minute episodes every two weeks. “Danny Bonaduce: Life Coach” “will offer satirical life lessons and the results of Bonaduce’s counsel.”

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The Myth of Productivity

Have you ever had a productivity study done where you work? They’re kind of funny, if they’re not being inflicted on you. The idea is that you can measure how “productive” someone is, and tell them how to maximize the use of their time and be “more productive.”

The problem is that productivity is not objective.

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Being Who You Are and Who You Want to Be

A wonderful woman I’m familiar with is the absolute essence of New York Society – except that she has spent her entire life living in the South.

But I also find it interesting that someone who so clearly loves both New York, with its theatre scene, and Arkansas, where she has lived most of her life excluding graduate school, has found a balance between the two.

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A Messy Desk is the Sign of a Messy Desk

I was amused recently to see that one of the major office supply stores now carries not only filing supplies but also, believe it or not, “piling” supplies. These consist mainly of plastic envelopes and folders where you can put everything regarding one project together and leave them on your desk. I haven’t talked to anyone who uses them, but I find it interesting that someone is finally noticing that we don’t always even want to keep our desks clear.

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Is Going Solo a Career Option for You?

Just about everyone, at some point in their lives, dreams of starting their own business, getting “out of the rat race,” “being the boss.”

If you’re thinking about going solo, either as a freelancer or consultant, or as a business owner in some other type of business, that’s great! I really believe there is a lot to be said for owning your own business and running your own show.

However, I would caution you that things are not always black and white.

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Conflict: Difficult People We Can’t Avoid

I’ve often been asked the best way to deal with difficult people. My answer is that the best way is to avoid them altogether. Of course, that’s not always difficult, so I also have given some thought to how to deal with the difficult people we can’t avoid.

These are people who are part of our lives, at least now, not by our choice but by circumstance, and we just have to learn to get along. We do have the option of not getting along, but that rarely feels good or works out well, so I highly suggest learning to deal with these people in a way that causes everyone involved the least amount of damage and turmoil.

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New Perspective: How About A New Pair of Glasses for Everyone!

If you wear glasses or contacts, or if you’ve ever seen someone put on a new pair of glasses, you understand that when you don new glasses, the world looks fresh and new. You notice things you’ve never seen before, and even though you may see flaws like dirty windows or cracks in the sidewalk, you are so excited just to see everything that you don’t even notice these imperfections.

Putting on new glasses gives you an automatic positive outlook. You may not have ever thought about it like that, but isn’t it true? Don’t you feel better about everything, all the time, for quite a while after putting on new glasses?

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When You Discount Yourself, You Discount Me

You’ve probably met someone like this. You’re in a class, for example, and get an A on a very hard class. The smartest person in the class, who happens to be someone you really can’t stand, says, “Well, it wasn’t all that hard a test. I wouldn’t have been able to do so well on it if it had really been hard.” This person is not being egotistical. She really believes that she couldn’t have done well on the test unless it were an easy test. She is genuinely discounting her skills and knowledge.

But she’s also discounting your skill and ability.

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Focus on Change: Girlfriend Cashes $100,000 Check from Cheating Boyfriend

This from the New York Post:

“A hard-partying Wall Street trader and his ex-girlfriend are in court over an allegedly broken $100,000 promise to keep on the straight and narrow.”

According to disgruntled, but wealthier, girlfriend Elisa Kwon, her boyfriend offered more than a promise not to commit moral turpitude (depravity). Greg Calvino handed Kwon a check for $100,000 and instructed her to cash it is he used drugs, stayed out late, and/or patronized strippers or prostitutes.

What were these two thinking?

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Money is Time: What’s Your Time Worth?

You probably think I just said, “Time is money,” but what I actually said was, “money is time.” They amount to the same thing, really, in some ways. But when you really stop to analyze the idea that money is time, wow. What a concept.

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Luck: Helping Each Other and Paying it Forward

An ancient Greek named Menander said, “If we always helped each other, no one would need luck.” Actually, he probably wasn’t all that ancient when he said that, but he was a Greek, and he did live a very, very long time ago, and he was a very wise man.

I want to make a digression on luck. Some people think that other people are “really lucky” because they are able to achieve things they want to accomplish, and reach their dreams. The people considered lucky would probably respond that a lot of hard work went into that luck. That’s very true, but I think that the idea of helping each other also comes into play.

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What Are You Complaining About?

People often tell us “don’t complain, you’re lucky,”or say, in a derogatory tone, “What you are complaining about?”

Obviously, we’re complaining because things are not the way we want them to be. I think it’s important to pay attention to what we’re complaining about, and why, because what we’re complaining about tells us more about who we are, what we want and what we need to do than almost anything else in our lives.

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Take a Vacation – Whether You Think You Need It or Not

One of the overriding characteristics I’ve noticed in stressed-out, overworked, Type-A personalities is that they tend not to take time off. Trust me – I speak from personal experience!

If they do take vacations, it’s a “working vacation,” and it’s seldom for more than a few days.

Recently The New Yorker ran a cartoon of two people on a beach.

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Tools for Productivity: Is Keeping a Schedule Becoming Old School?

Some would have you believe that maintaining a calendar is becoming a thing of the past. They think that this strategy allows increased and enhanced productivity. Why? Because they feel that it is invigorating and empowering not to be tied to any set agenda and timetable.

If you’ve found that you need to keep a schedule, and if you’re like me – someone who continuously assesses, monitors, modifies, and adapts my approach and strategies, please read on.

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