There are 78 million Americans that make up the “baby boomer” populace. The values and beliefs of the baby boomer population was handed down from the parents, most of which lived in the post-war era and the great depression; self sacrifice and hard work are what it takes to get ahead and earn a respectable living. With many baby boomers reaching what would have been the retirement age ten to fifteen years ago, the end is nowhere in sight.
Approximately 78 million Americans comprise the Baby Boomer demographic. If you are one of the many born after World War II, then you were likely brought up as I was … believing that you had to make sacrifices to get ahead and earn a respectable living.
Our generation was taught from a tender age to place the highest value in family, friends, and community as well as hold honesty, integrity and ethics in high esteem. Those of us who “live the dream” according to Boomer standards consider ourselves ambitious, disciplined, willing to sacrifice and able to conform (if and when we have to). We maintain loyalty to our commitments — often willingly bearing the financial responsibilities of those who came before us and those who come after. We grow concerned as the next generation shapes their own set of values which sometimes appear to contradict that which we’ve been taught.
The values and beliefs of the Baby Boomer generation were handed down to us from our parents, many of whom survived the post-war era and Great Depression. The underlying message became loud and clear, and formed a blueprint for life: If I just work hard enough and long enough, my life will turn out just fine — eventually – and it will all be worth it in the end.
Many of us do not fit or identify with the generation we are born into.
Additionally, for many of us approaching what most would have considered retirement age ten or fifteen years ago, the finish line is nowhere in sight.
Read the rest of the performance measurement on the post at Small Business Trends.
Thanks to:
StockTradingToGo for including this post in the Carnival of Personal Finance.
Atlantic Canada’s Small Business Blog for inclusion in the Carnival of Small Business Issues.
Cheap Healthy Good for including this post in the Festival of Frugality.
Credit Card Lowdown for featuring this post in the Carnival of Money, Growth, and Happiness.
The Skilled Investor for inclusion in the Carnival of Financial Planning.
Working at Home on the Internet for including this post in the Working at Home Blog Carnival.
The Wild Investor for featuring this post in the Link Mash-up.
KC Lau for inclusion in Personal Finance Money Tips. for including this post in the Carnival of Life Editing.
Interview Chatter for featuring this post in the Career and Job Advice Blog Carnival.
Stock Trading To Go for inclusion in the Carnival of Everything Finance.
Debt Consolidation Lowdown for including this post in the Carnival of Debt Management.
Declutter It! for featuring this post in the Organize Your Life Carnival. for inclusion in the Carnival of Life Editing. for including this in the Carnival of Smarter Investing.
The Loco Mono for featuring this post in the Common Sense Wealth Carnival.