Relinquishee, Adoptee, MPE
Author, Speaker.

Why Don’t People Take You Seriously?

istock_000005487266xsmall.jpgFrom my article 5 Reasons Why People Don’t Take You Seriously and How to Fix It at Dumb Little Man:

“Ever wonder how some people manage to command a room simply by entering it?

Do you sometimes feel like you get mowed down by other people’s big ideas, priorities and needs?

Is it exceedingly difficult for you to get people to cooperate and follow your lead?

While some people seem blessed with strong character from birth, the rest of us flounder, stagnate, learn to acquire a taste for shoe leather. Why is this? It may be because people aren’t taking you seriously enough. And the reason is that, most likely, you don’t take yourself seriously enough.

How others see us begins with how we see ourselves. We project this self-perception into every action and every word we speak. Here are five reasons people aren’t taking you seriously and how to fix it.”

Read the rest of 5 Reasons Why People Don’t Take You Seriously and How to Fix It.

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