The Cinnamon Bear is a radio program from the 1930’s that played six days a week from Thanksgiving until Christmas. It is about two characters, Judy and Jimmy, who are trying to find the Silver Star that is supposed to go on top of their Christmas tree.
Dina Giolitto, a great copywriter and friend, has organized a “Magical Extravaganza” for the Holiday season.
It’s called 24 Blogging Days ‘Til Christmas.
The intent of the blog event is several-fold, but the neat parts are that it hopes to get everybody fired up for the season and blogging for the 24 days leading up to Christmas, thus giving blog readers “a daily treat to snack on during the month of December.” Great idea Dina.
I’d like to kick off the my 24 Blogging Days ‘Til Christmas by thanking J.D. at Get Rich Slowly.
He reminded me of a nostalgic time in my life when my kids were much, much younger. We’d spend many days and nights in anticipation of Christmas listening to The Cinnamon Bear, an old-time (1937) radio program that was originally designed to be listened to six days a week from Thanksgiving until Christmas.
The Cinnamon Bear chronicles the adventures of Judy and Jimmy, and their magical and adventure-filled journey through Maybeland as they search for the missing Silver Star that belongs atop their Christmas tree.
Along the way, they encounter Paddy O’Cinnamon (The Christmas Bear), the Crazy-Quilt Dragon, the Root Beer Ocean in the middle of Looking Glass Valley, and a host of other people, places, situations, and things.
The joy on my children’s’ faces and in their hearts that The Cinnamon Bear provided is one that I’ll never forget.
It was a simple time. We’d gather in the family room and listen together. We’d play the tapes on our whole-house intercom system in the event that somebody needed to go to the bathroom.
But, alas, those days are past. My kids have outgrown The Cinnamon Bear. Long gone are those simple times when we gather around the radio. Heck, these days we’re lucky to gather in the same room or at the same table for any extended period of time.
But, when my wife or I mention The Cinnamon Bear, it still brings smiles to my kids’ faces. Maybe they’ll share the magic with their kids someday.
Thinking about The Cinnamon Bear helps me to remember that the most special Holiday traditions don’t have to be extravagant or cost anything, and keeps me in pursuit of those simple pleasures in life.
J.D. at Get Rich Slow has been gracious enough to post the entire Cinnamon Bear collection available for mp3 download. Thanks for jogging the memory.
Check out all of the bloggers participating in the 24 Blogging Days ‘Til Christmas:
Blogfeeder: the Copywriting and Marketing Blog from (your host)
Cynthia McKenna – San Antonio Counseling Blog
Lynn Browne of
David Bohl of
Heidi Caswell of Connect Simply
Florida Dine
Jeanie Marshall- Personal Development Consultant
Robert Glen Fogarty – Editor, Lockergnome
Heidi Richards, Virtual Woman’s Day Celebrations
Kevin and Corrie Peterson of Heavenly Crosses
Angela Betts – Betts Best Bookkeeping Blog
Claudia Meydrech – the Happy Nutritionist
Susan Lowe – California Musing
Magical Maria – Out of the Chrysalis
Angie Pedersen – Scrapbook Marketing
Ash Joie-Lee – the Paisley Goddess
Debra Simpson – Magic in Blogging
Bonita Schrader – Superwoman Does Not Live Here
Robin Matuk
Phil Davis of Pure Tungsten Marketing
Russ Jackman –
Thanks to The So Called Me for including this in the Carnival of Family Life.