Relinquishee, Adoptee, MPE
Author, Speaker.

What Is Balance, Anyway?

Leslie Morgan Steiner asked what is life balance for you in a March 29th on balance blog post.  There were hundreds of comments from readers but the implied answer was that life balance is whatever each individual defines it as.  I say there’s a catch to that and it should be that living a balanced life is to create a lifestyle you want and doesn’t require all your energy and effort to maintain that balance. Leslie Morgan Steiner’s On Balance blog post of March 29Th asks the following:

“So what is balance, anyway? Do you have to have children in order to struggle with balance issues? How do you find your own balancing point in life? What makes you think you are balanced — and others are not — or vice versa? What happens when you tip over — how do you right yourself and your life?”

Good questions!There were were hundreds of comments submitted by readers in answer to her ultimate question: “What is balance for you?” If you’re feeling adventurous, have a look at the comments here.

The implied answer in the question “What is life balance for you?” is that life balance is whatever each individual defines it as. But there’s a catch …

The key to living a balanced life is to create a lifestyle that you want and that does not require all of your energy and effort to maintain that balance.

Read more in my article “Life Balance: What Is It?”

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