Relinquishee, Adoptee, MPE
Author, Speaker.

What are the Best Ways to Slow Down to Catch Up with Life?

Discussion about slowing down to enjoy life on Sunday, December 23 at 10:30 p.m. EST.  This discussion is led by Kristen Hallows on her blog talk radio show Job You Desire.

“Banish the Sunday Night Blues!” Listen in, call in (Skype available), and enjoy a lively discussion about slowing down to enjoy life.

You can do that this Sunday, December 23rd, at 10:30 PM Eastern. I’ll be a guest of Kristen Hallows on her Blog Talk Radio show Job You Desire.


Here’s a little bit about Kristen:


Kristen Hallows is passionate about career satisfaction. She is a career coach and résumé strategist. She is also the author of The Recruiter is Your Friend: This Ain’t Your Granddaddy’s Job Search. Finding fulfillment in helping others to find and experience fulfillment, she received her accredited coach training from the International Coach Academy. She is also a member of the International Coach Federation. Visit Job You Deserve at! Join the discussion at

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