Here is the 24th issues of personal development & happiness carnival. I was asked to fill in as this week’s host. Here you go.
I’m filling in this week as host of the Personal Development and Happiness Carnival. Regular host Alex Blackwell of The Next 45 Years is off on a work-related trip to Florida, but he’ll be back next week.
Welcome to the 24th issue of the
Personal Development & Happiness Carnival
This carnival is dedicated to people who want to share and receive ideas to improve the quality of their relationships, sustain happiness and create lasting success for the next 45 years; and beyond.
Every Sunday a new carnival containing your thoughts, articles and inspirational stories will be shared. You may participate by visiting the submission form at the bottom of this issue.
Without further adieu, here are this week’s entries:
Akemi presents To Children of God posted at Gratitude Magic, saying, “How I see and relate to God”
Goal Setting
JC presents Law Of Attraction & Me posted at A Journey Of Dreams.
Tim King presents 7 Steps to Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions posted at J. Timothy King’s Blog, saying, “I don’t usually make “New Year’s resolutions,” but this year I made one. And this is how I’m keeping it, in 7 steps.”
Samuel Bryson presents New Year’s Day Resolution: The 30 Day Trial & Helping Others: posted at Total Wellbeing.
steven aitchison presents The GOYA method for Personal Development posted at Change your thoughts, saying, “How to push yourself for getting things done”
Ingrid Cliff presents New Years Resolutions 2008 posted at Small Business Ideas, saying, “How to set New Years resolutions that stick – including You Tube video”
Lorraine Cohen presents Creating A Theme Year posted at Powerfull Living, saying, “Consider a different approach to resolutions and goal-setting by creating a theme year. Learn how to use a theme to inspire and motivate you!”
Zantor presents Time Management in the New Year posted at The Student Help Forum.
Maria Gajewski presents Having Goals Will Make You Blind! posted at Never the Same River Twice, saying, “Here’s a contrarian viewpoint against setting rigid goals. The concept of using a Compass, not a Map to guide your life gives you more flexibility to respond to external and internal changes in your life and respond appropriately.”
Matthew Paulson presents 4 Reasons to Become a Generous Giver posted at American Consumer News.
Christine presents Taking Time for Romantic Comedies posted at Me, My Kid and Life: An American Single Mom Living in France.
Sunny presents 50 Artist Dates posted at Dandelions and Daydreams, saying, “A list of 50 artist dates to renew your creativity and restore your inner peace.”
Silicon Valley Blogger presents Money Vs Time Off: Why We Don’t Take Vacations posted at The Digerati Life, saying, “Why aren’t we stopping to smell the roses more often? It appears that we don’t take vacations NOT because we can’t…but because we don’t want to.”
Nadege presents Unlock your potential in three difficult steps (made easy). posted at Clearly Envision.
Samuel Bryson presents Pedalling Money – Saving Money by Cycling: posted at Total Wellbeing.
Alfa King presents Booze off with SMART resolutions posted at Alfa King Memories.
Pat B. Doyle presents Feng Shui and Clutter posted at Barton Pond Feng Shui, saying, “You can make a large impact on the energy level in your home by getting rid of clutter. It is amazing how much better you will feel.”
Personal Development
Patricia Singleton presents Forgiveness Is For You, Not The Other Person posted at Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker, saying, “Forgiveness is something that you do for you, not the other person. Until you can forgive, you will continue to carry around hurt, anger, hate, sorrow—all deep emotions that affect your body, the way you see yourself, the way you see other people, and the way you see your world.”
SJ Yee presents The Best of in 2007 posted at Personal Development for the Book Smart, saying, “21 of the Best Personal Development Articles that have to offer”
Shirley presents A happy person’s guide to conflict resolution. posted at Fun Spirit, saying, “All of us have times when we need to resolve a conflict with another person. Whether at work or at home, they are times when we find it hard to be rational about our problems. The best way to do this is rationally, thoughtfully, with a positive attitude. So here are a few tips to get you started on cooperative problem-solving:”
Samuel Bryson presents The Power of Music – The Link Between Musical Ability and Intelligence: posted at Total Wellbeing.
Warren Wong presents How To Find A Wife / Husband posted at Personal Development for INTJs, saying, “Tips on finding the right wife / husband for a happy marriage.”
Edith presents How to Stay Focused posted at Edith Yeung.Com: Dream. Think. Act., saying, “Are you distracted? Are you thinking about 3 things at the same time? Do you have more than 3 screens opened on your computer right now? If you said yes to any of the questions above, please stay focused here and read on.”
Alex Marlin presents Six Tips That Will Boost Your Brain Power posted at Life Improvement Tips For Thin and Small People.
Personal Growth
Steve Nguyen presents Yearning for More…Much More – Lessons Learned in Hindsight posted at BeyondBehaviors.Com.
Ralph Jean-Paul presents Hunter,Scavenger or Prey:Which Life Are You Living posted at Potential 2 Success, saying, “Are you actively pursuing your goals or passively waiting around for them to come to you? Learn to how passionately achieve your goals with the skills of an efficient hunter.”
Christine presents Finding Your Special Talent posted at Me, My Kid and Life: An American Single Mom Living in France.
Pearl presents Spreading the Love via Compassion posted at :: Interesting Observations ::, saying, “How do you define Compassion?”
Bill presents Shocking Course Correction Secret Revealed posted at The Bubble Planner.
Richard Ingersoll presents Abundance Is Your Birthright posted at Applying the Law of Attraction, saying, “Abundance is the birthright of every man and woman born on this planet. However, very few realize this fact. This is mainly due to a misunderstanding about the term “abundance” itself. Generally, abundance is thought of only in relation to money. The common misconception is that only a person who has amassed great financial wealth can be said to live in abundance.”
Maureen Oliver presents Affirmwear For Your Life – Does Failure Exist? posted at Affirmwear For Your Life, saying, “Are you still playing small? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? You choose!”
JC presents The Blame Game – “It’s Not My Fault!” posted at A Journey Of Dreams.
Susan Johnston presents 5 Ways to Manage Information Overload posted at The Urban Muse, saying, “I’m working on achieving better work/life balance in 2008, so this post outlines so ways I’m managing my email and consumption before it manages ME!”
Thanks to everyone who submitted articles. You are invited to submit your articles and inspirational stories to the next edition of the Personal Development and Happiness Carnival using the carnival submission form.