Relinquishee, Adoptee, MPE
Author, Speaker.

Napping to Increase Productivity

Have you ever thought about napping and how it can increase your productivity? Obviously laying down and taking a quick 20 minute nap just isn’t possible for must people, especially if you are at work. So instead of a nap what about a stretch or a quick walk around the block? We all need to stretch and clear our heads every so often. It really can make a phenomenal difference!

You know, a lot of people nap. I know several people who nap quite a bit, and don’t mind telling someone, “I am going to take a nap,” or “I was napping.”

It’s the philosophy of, “I’m tired, therefore I nap.” And it’s a reasonable philosophy, in my view. I know a lot of people who work really hard, and when they’re tired, they simply stop and nap.


It’s the same as “sharpening the saw,” which a lot of time management and productivity experts talk about. If your body and mind are tired, take a nap.

Other useful ways to get over being tired and not being able to do what’s needed are to eat something with a lot of protein, go for a walk, or stand up and do some vigorous stretches and in-place exercises.

I’m not, of course, saying that you should spend all your time napping and ignore your work.

I’m also not advocating clapping to loud music if you work in a cubicle. Or climbing under your desk for a quick 20 minute nap if you’re likely to get caught.

But don’t you think you need more breaks? You probably get one break during the day, at lunch. Don’t you need to stop once or twice, just for a few minutes, and do something besides what you’ve been doing? Wouldn’t a walk around the block feel great?

Wouldn’t leaning your head back in your chair and just resting your eyes for five minutes feel wonderful?

Don’t your muscles need a stretch?

I think most of us spend too much time “focusing” on our work and don’t focus enough on our other needs. We’re so busy trying to get it all done that we don’t realize that taking care of our bodies and minds would make a phenomenal difference.

I have, in my time, spent many twelve-hour days without a break. I’ve also worked twelve hours with a few breaks thrown in. The difference, for me, is between being wrung out and unable to go further at the end of the day, and maintaining a reasonable pace for the day and getting the right things done in the right way.

Maybe you should nap more. Or at least stand up and stretch.

Thanks to for including this post in the Total Mind and Body Fitness Carnival, and to Working at Home on the Internet for featuring this in the Working at Home Blog Carnival.

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