Relinquishee, Adoptee, MPE
Author, Speaker.

Guest Column at AA Agnostica – It’s Not You, It’s Them: How Zealots Threaten Your Safety

Posted on April 29, 2020, at AA

It seems to me that now, more than ever, religion and religious beliefs have been at the forefront, infiltrating our lives, whether we like it or not. As a member and a follower of a few secular recovery groups, I’ve observed several discussions where people have voiced their frustration with what they were experiencing in traditional groups. A lot of people believe – or say they believe – that god will get them through this tough time in their lives, and it is the ones who have a god who claim to be thriving better under the dire circumstances of lock-down life. Whether that’s true or not, it is the typical nonchalance of faith enthusiasts, and it doesn’t do much for their fellows other than make them feel inferior or defective because their beliefs are different or not as strong.

Read the rest of It’s Not You, It’s Them: How Zealots Threaten Your Safety at AA Agnostica.






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