Relinquishee, Adoptee, MPE
Author, Speaker.

Do it Right the First Time

istock_000004868493xsmall.jpgSometimes in our haste to get things done, we forget to take our time and make sure they are done well. Trying to hurry through a project without giving much thought to the consequences is likely to result in shoddy work and a large number of errors. Not only does your reputation as a professional suffer from such work, but in the end it could end up costing you precious time as well. You may find yourself revisiting old projects, trying to undo or repair mistakes that were made the first time through.

Rather than put yourself in this position and risk tarnishing your reputation in the process, slow down and take the time to ensure your projects are completed right the first time around. The added time it takes to be thorough is a small price to pay in comparison to the price shoddy work can cost you in the long run. This could be of particular concern if you work as an independent contractor, and are able to charge higher rates due to the high quality of your work. Performing rushed jobs could cause your quality to slip, which could result in fewer sales or the need to reduce your prices so they are more in alignment with your local competition.

1. Think it Through

Before leaping feet-first into a project, take a little time to think about your overall project goals, the steps you will take to get there, and the materials you will need to complete the project. Make sure you have all of your necessary supplies and sufficient assistance lined up before you begin working. Also ensure that you begin the project with a plan, so you know where you are going as you progress from one step to the next. Take your time to complete the work as planned and pay attention to detail.

2. Use Quality Supplies and Construction

Whether you are writing a proposal or building a house, make sure the content is quality. Anything you create is your personal signature, branding you and building your reputation. Make sure those things speak of quality, in construction and performance, if you are renovating a house, ensure you buy enough adhesive for your project, do it right.

If you are writing something, take the time to make sure it is well researched and well written. If you are building something, make sure it is built solidly and is designed to last.

3. Communicate Well

Whether you are working on a project for a boss or a client, or you are communicating in your personal relationships, make sure all of your interpersonal communications follow some basic guidelines for common courtesy.

Starting out with open and honest communications builds a solid foundation from which to work from. It is far easier to establish a good working relationship from which to build, than it is to try to go back and mend fences. Starting out with a good working relationship will translate into your job moving along much more smoothly and with fewer snags to slow you down.

The rules of beginning with good communications translate to your personal relationships as well. Be decent and kind from the beginning and listen with patience, rather than lose your temper and be forced to go back and apologize later. Doing so will create much more fulfilling relationships in your life.

n our haste to get as much accomplished as possible, in as little time as possible, it is so easy to overlook the importance of slowing down, and ensuring the project is not only completed, but completed properly, from the beginning.
Trying to cut corners in order to save time usually only ends up wasting your time. Rather than blast through a project in record time, slow down and take your time to make sure everything is perfect the first time through.

This one change in your attitude will build a solid reputation for you as a professional, which will lead to future business. Maintaining a reputation as a provider of quality work ensures longevity in your field, providing you with a measure of job security.

Completing your projects in haste does not provide you with any lasting benefits, other than perhaps putting you ahead of schedule temporarily. It is far better to slow down and be a bit behind, but have it done right the first time, than it is to have to go back and continually try to repair what should have been done well the first time out.

Thanks to Credit Card Lowdown for including this post in the Carnival of Money, Growth, and Happiness, and to Are We Balanced Yet for featuring this post in the Carnival of Work-Life Balance.

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