The council on Competitiveness as release the first in a new series of reports. The report, Where America Stands: Entrepreneurship is available in PDF format. The report focuses on entrepreneurship as one of the advantages the U.S. has to remain competitive. It’s full of information and a great read.
As part of EntrepreneurshipWeek USA, the Council on Competitiveness has released the first in a new series of reports on the drivers of U.S. innovation.
The report, titled “Where America Stands: Entrepreneurship“, has been released as a PDF file that can be viewed here.
This report is a great read as it focuses on entrepreneurship as one of the most critical advantages the U.S. has to remain competitive.
The Council on Competitiveness states that “While U.S. entrepreneurial performance continues to lead the world by almost any measure, this report shows that other nations are catching up to the United States.
The report also highlights that the U.S. environment for entrepreneurial activity faces its own challenges and opportunities in the 21st century.”
I don’t want to ruin the conclusion of the report, but it states, in part: “Demonstrably, there’s nothing awry with the health of the U.S. entrepreneurial system.”
Have a read for yourself at: