The perfect day as stated by Guy Kawasaki of Treumors, super blogger, managing director of Garage Technology Ventures, columnist of Entrepreneur Magazine and author of eight books.
The following post is suitable to general audiences, provided that you heed this warning:
Disclaimer: This story is meant for illustrative purposes only. It should be read as an anecdote only and not used to design, model, or base your life upon. Comparing your life to someone else’s life can only serve to heighten expectations, and should not be relied upon as an accurate indication of your particular needs. Only you have the ability to determine what is right for you and what will ultimately make you happy.
With that said, I’d like to share with you a post by Bill Johnston of the OnlineCommunityReport. He interviewed Guy Kawasaki, owner of Truemors, super blogger, managing director of Garage Technology Ventures, columnist for Entrepreneur Magazine, past fellow at Apple Computer, and author of eight books including The Art of the Start, Rules for Revolutionaries, How to Drive Your Competition Crazy, Selling the Dream, and The Macintosh Way.
The question that most interested me was: What would be your perfect day?
“Get up in the morning at 7:00, see that Truemors has already gotten 25,000 page views, take the kids to school, come home and Truemor/blog for two hours, play hockey at lunch, Truemor/blog for two hours, pick up kids, have dinner with my wife and kids, go to the park with the family, come home and watch 24, Boston Legal, The Unit, or Friday Night Lights with the family, go to sleep. As I said, I’m a simple person.”
Good for you, Guy. This sounds pretty much like a perfect day to me, too – but that’s just me.
Knowing what your perfect day would look like – what it would take to make you happy and fulfilled – is the first step in achieving it.
What does your perfect day look like?