Relinquishee, Adoptee, MPE
Author, Speaker.

The 4 Hour Workweek in Real Time

Tim Ferris wrote the book “The Four Hour Workweek.”  The book isn’t so much about only working four hours a week; it’s really about living life your own way.  A quote from Tim to sum it all up: “All the rules outside of law and nature can be bent or broken.  There are always more options than are immediately obvious.”

Have you heard about Tim Ferriss’s book The 4 Hour Workweek? If you have, you’re not alone. It has reached the #1 position on both the New York Times and Wall Street Journal Best Sellers lists.

I’m not surprised. I read the book (for the first time) in early May and interviewed author Tim Ferriss in this blog. I expressed in that post my initial reservations in the title’s premise. It initially drew me in, but what kept me were the approaches and solutions offered to living life one’s own way. That’s the theme of the book, not how you can get away with working only 4 hours each week.

You see, I love my chosen work. I obtain much fulfillment from it. I wouldn’t want to spend only 4 hours each week doing what I do – it simply wouldn’t be enough to sustain me.

So what’s the greatest lesson one can take from Tim”s book? Tim said it best in his interview with me:

“All the rules outside of law and nature can be bent or broken. We artificially constrain
ourselves. There are always more options than are immediately obvious.”

If that’s what you look for in The 4 Hour Workweek”, and in life, that’s what you’ll get out of it.

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