Relinquishee, Adoptee, MPE
Author, Speaker.

Making Time This Labor Day for Personal Development

Some recommendations for reading over the labor day weekend: Creating A Better Life writer, Lyman Reed, Twelve Steps For Personal Development Addicts, Guy Kawasaki at How To Change The World wrote You Know You’re Old When: and The Wonders of Commercializing Fatherhood by Rebeldad Brian Reed.Are you planning one of those low-key, kick-back-and-relax weekends filled with quality instead of quantity? Here are some reads for your Good-Slow weekend:

Thanks to Priscilla Palmer for including me in her list of outstanding personal development bloggers.


Lyman Reed at Creating a Better Life offers Twelve Steps for Personal Development Addicts.

Stephen J. Dubner of Freakonomics serves up What’s Your Family Vacation Nightmare? A Freakonomics Quorum.

You Know You’re Old When: from Guy Kawasaki at How to Change the World.

Irrational Thinking by David Rogers at How To Have Great Self Esteem.

The Wonders of Commercializing Fatherhood by Rebeldad Brian Reid.

Enjoy your weekend.

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