Does it seem like all you are doing lately is running around from one thing to the next? Sometimes we get so busy between our day-to-day job responsibilities, piano, dance or sports for the kids and mundane household errands that our unfinished business just piles up around us.
In particular, consider the family vehicle and all of its “extra passengers”. How many times has that shoe never made it into the house? How many French fries, water bottles and toys are rolling around next to your pens and cell phone chargers? Did your little beauty lose an earring and it’s still sticking out of the seat?
That’s just the tangible chaos – the stuff we’ve put off because we know we will get to it eventually (at the carwash)!
Are you doing more, but accomplishing less?
Does it seem like everyone wanted something from you… yesterday? Are you taking any time to implement creative ideas to improve your situation? Are you running out of time while others around you are running out of things to do?
The Addition of Subtraction
From time-to-time, in both our business and personal lives we need to refocus and redirect. Sometimes the clear picture only shows itself when we decide, voluntarily, to subtract something from our lives instead of trying to squeeze in one more task. The best place to begin is by taking an honest look at how you’re spending your week. Take a piece of paper and write down everything:
• Scheduled conference calls
• Errands; dry cleaners, groceries, filling up the car, florist
• Taking the kids to extra-curricular activities; dance lessons, music lessons, soccer practice
• Write down everything: Who makes the coffee? Who makes dinner?
Looking at your life on paper will help you see where you may need to make some changes. Ask yourself, how can the week go more smoothly? What can I live without? What could I subtract or change to improve my too-hectic life?
Delegate and Simplify!
Believe it or not, others around you are perfectly capable, with a little coaching, to take on some of your “stuff.” When we choose to do or control everything, we inadvertently minimize the value we see in others. Teaching others how to take on some of the responsibility lightens your load, and allows the other person an opportunity to learn something new. Who knows, with a fresh perspective, they may do it more efficiently!
• Are there errands closer to your spouse or teenager’s work or school?
• Can you combine multiple errands into one trip?
• How about ordering groceries online?
• Simplify your morning – make coffee the night before.
Take charge of your to-do list. With a little planning, you can eliminate chaos and get back to enjoying your life.
Thanks to Chinese Medicine Notes for including this post in the Carnival of Healing.