Relinquishee, Adoptee, MPE
Author, Speaker.

Free Up Time and Gain Balance by Lowering Your Standards

From my guest article Lower Your Standards to Free Up Time and Gain Balance at The Positivity Blog:

istock_000005204676xsmall.jpg“High achieving people also tend to be perfectionists. Everything must get done, and done extremely well in order to feel any sense of success or accomplishment. These are the people who will run themselves into the ground for the sake of keeping up appearances, even if only to themselves.

Trying to maintain perfection in every aspect of your life will lead to unrealistic goals, frustration, burnout, and even eventually depression and anger. Everything becomes a chore and the joy is removed from work, from friends, and from family. The high achieving person grows to resent everything and everyone in his or her life.”

Read the rest of Lower Your Standards to Free Up Time and Gain Balance at The Positivity Blog.

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