A quote from the special report Slow Down FAST: A Revolutionary Guide for Being Productive, Efficient, and Effective. The summary of this article is that we are terribly busy in our everyday lives and know more and more people than ever but we feel more empty and alone than at any other time.
Here’s a quote from my Special Report Slow Down FAST: A Revolutionary Guide for Being Productive, Efficient, and Effective:
“There’s a Radiohead song from the late 1990s called “Fitter, Happier” that features a robotic voice, going off on a monotonous rant that begins with the words, “Fitter. Happier.More productive” and ends with “a pig in a cage on antibiotics.” It’s a commentary on society and what we’ve been reduced to. In today’s world, we are spoon-fed the prescription for a sterile and fabricated, assembly-line life – and it affects us to the core of our being. Where we once felt purposeful, focused, and fueled with passion… these days, we’re apt to be idealistic but scattered, connected but alone. Our lives are brimming over, and yet we’re empty inside.”
Visit http://www.slowdownfast.com/read_david/the_bohl_report/ to get your free copy, plus:
- Twice-Monthly Tips and Expert Advice.
- 9 FREE TIPS for Finding Happiness in a Fast-Paced World.