Well, after much time and effort, I just finished my first e-book. It truly was a “labor of love.”
The title, “Your Life In Balance: A Breakthrough Guide for Creating the Life You Desire”, speaks for itself I think. It will be available on my Web site within the next few days at http://www.livellifeandsucceed.com
Not knowing what protocol is with regard to dedicating an e-book (as I’ve purchased several of them yet never read one with a dedication), but not being one to conform, I’ve determined that I would include my dedication in this blog. Here goes:
A certain few extraordinary people stand out for the unique sustenance they provided to me as I lived this new and exciting chapter in my life – creating an e-book on a subject so near and dear to my heart. All have given unselfishly of their enthusiasm, encouragement, guidance, presence, and love to make this guidebook possible. They have been with me from early on and continue to be there for me whenever support is needed: Vicki for everything that she is and means in my life, R.J. and Tama for believing in me when even I doubted, and Joanne for her inspiration. Thank you for being a part of my journey.