Relinquishee, Adoptee, MPE
Author, Speaker.

COVID-19: Navigating a Pandemic –
5 Articles to Help You Build Resilience

Here are 5 articles that can help you navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and build resilience.  After all, you need to be ok physically and psychologically no matter what happens.

These artifices have demonstrated a very large response from new and regular readers alike.

NEEDED NOW MORE THAN EVER: Solution-Focus vs Problem-Focus: Build Resilience by Leveraging the Positive (not Emphasizing the Negative)

With all that’s going on in today’s world (as I write this the U.S. Federal Funds interest rate stands at 0%, U.S. and world financial markets are limit down, and there is literally no news other than COVID19), where everywhere we turn there appears to be another insurmountable problem, we need to assess those protective factors/ STRENGTHS that we can use to address these challenges.  We need to talk about and implement solutions. Continue reading here.

Note: Social Distancing Equals CONNECTING During DISTANCING

No one has predicted this. No one. But we’ve all seen movies and read books, and it’s hard not to panic as real life starts to imitate art. Panicking, however, doesn’t help. This is why it’s important to stay grounded during this time: continue your meditation practice if you have one, exercise, eat as healthily as it’s possible, now practice your Blue Mind techniques, and, above all, stay connected.  Continue reading here.

Yet Another Epidemic? Yes!  Albeit a Quiet Epidemic

Before there was COVID-19, there were whispers about another epidemic slowly eroding the human population. Unlike COVID-19, however, that epidemic didn’t get anyone to social distance, didn’t get any business shut down, and it certainly wasn’t in your newsfeed 24/7. But, “2018 data shows that every day, 128 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids,” according to a study done by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). That’s more than 46,000 people a year! Unlike a virus, however, addiction doesn’t spread like an infectious disease, it is not contagious. But much like a virus, addiction affects not only those affected by it but everyone else around them. Continue reading here.

Reality Check? Reality Accepted!

We are all in this together, and there’s no way out. This is our reality check every day now, as we watch the world change drastically as the epidemic grows all around us. What was standard a month ago is now impossible to imagine. Everything is on hold now. Wherever you are currently, it’s best for your mental health that you acknowledge this is happening, it is on-going, and it will probably not dissipate any time soon.  Continue reading here.

Shelter-in-Place: Terrible Idea or Necessary Evil?

In many states, during the coronavirus outbreak, businesses have been ordered to close after being deemed non-essential. Liquor stores, however, have been deemed essential and remain open. This can either be seen as a ridiculous idea or a necessary evil. Because none of us have ever experienced such a drastic situation before, we don’t have a lot of evidence to decide if keeping liquor stores open will lead to more drinking, and, in some cases, an increase in alcoholic drinking.  Continue reading here.

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Photo by Anna Demianenko on Unsplash

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