I’ll be making my fourth appearance on Karen Ellenbecker’s Money Sense radio program. My appearance is scheduled for Sunday February 3rd, but don’t worry there will be plenty of time for the Super Bowl!
I’ll be Karen Ellenbecker’s guest on her weekly educational non-traditional investment radio program titled Money Sense. This will be my fourth ‘appearance.’
My guest spot on Money Sense can be heard in the greater Milwaukee metro area this Sunday, February 3rd, from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM CST – leaving plenty of time for Super Bowl XLII.
You can listen live via the Web (10:00 AM PST, 11:00 AM MST, 12:00 Noon CST, 1:00 PM EST) at:
Simply click on the ‘Click Here to Listen Live‘ link.
Many thanks to Karen for again giving me an opportunity to spend some time with her and her listeners.