Relinquishee, Adoptee, MPE
Author, Speaker.

How to Reveal Your Inner Superhero

From my post Revealing Your Inner Super Hero at Dumb Little Man:

istock_000004492494xsmall.jpg“Everyone wants to be strong, intelligent, confident, and incredibly adept at everything we attempt. Yet everything we do is clouded to some degree by uncertainty and fear. We fear we will make mistakes, we fear we will be rejected, and we fear outright failure. No matter how confident we may outwardly appear, every one of us has inner demons we must battle.

What we forget – or fail to realize at all – is that each one of us has special qualities and talents that make us unique. We cannot excel at everything, but each one of us excels at something.”

Read the rest of Revealing Your Inner Super Hero at Dumb Little Man.

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