Relinquishee, Adoptee, MPE
Author, Speaker.

Blogging for Change

Looking to land that new job or brand your company? Get blogging.

Did you know that 25% of people will Google someone before meeting with them and that 75% of hiring managers, recruiters, etc will Google applicants before interviewing them?  That’s what Bonnie Kurka, a Personal Brand Coach and Career Strategist writes in her Executive Career Suite blog. According to Debbie Weil’s everyone has an online identity whether they know it or not.  The best way to control that identity is to use a blog.

Looking to land that new job or brand your company? Get blogging.

That’s Debbie Weil’s advice. You’ll find her over at BlogWrite for CEOs She was quoted in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal in an article titled “How Blogging Can Help You Get a New Job.”Here’s a quote from Ms. Weil:

“Everybody has an online identity whether they know it or not, and a blog is the single best way to control it,” she [Debbie] says. “You’re going to be Googled. No one hires anyone or buys anything these days without going online first and doing research.” You’ll also find some category links to all kinds of blog topics.

Bonnie Kurka, a Personal Brand Coach and Career Strategist, writes about identifying and using your strengths to forward your career or business in her Executive Career Suite blog.

Ms. Kurka says that:

“25% of people will google someone before meeting with them. 75% of hiring managers, recruiters, etc. will Google applicants before interviewing them.”

Read more from Bonnie about creating your on-line presence here.

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