Relinquishee, Adoptee, MPE
Author, Speaker.

A fun but frigid week

Media folks Dennis of Sky Radio Net and Caley of Waukesha Freeman proved that interviews can be fun and lighthearted.  They both had a way of making the interview process easy going.  I’m checking out the University of South Florida’s online alumni network for the opportunity to reconnect with old friends and to meet new ones also.  A small group of 8-10 people will be available to share work-life balance for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Temps here in southeast Wisconsin plunged as low as minus 18 degrees Fahrenheit, and that’s without factoring wind chills! I don’t even want to know where that puts things.

It’s been an interesting week getting to know a couple of media folks. Thanks to Dennis of Sky Radio Net for making an otherwise nerve wracking interview very lighthearted (and for teasing me about the warm temperatures in sunny California when the thermometer here on the frozen tundra of Wisconsin barely pushed above zero degrees F) and Caley of the Waukesha Freeman for truly making a 30 minute interview fun and out of the ordinary. Watch the Reflections Coaching LLC Web page in the next week or two for the audio of the Sky Radio interview and the Freeman interview.I’m trying to reconnect with some old friends, and meet some new friends, from the University of South Florida. USF offers an on-line alumni network named inCircle, so I’ve put some feelers out. I’ll keep you appraised as to how this goes. If you’ve had any experiences with your Alma mater’s Web networking, good or bad, please let me know how things went.

I’ve begun the process of putting together a TeleGroup for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and self-employed professionals to share successes and challenges relating to work-life balance. Email me for more information. Space is limited to 8 – 10 individuals, so please don’t delay.

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